Against the backdrop of widening inequality and confounding sustainability and health challenges, engaged, critical, and interdisciplinary pedagogy is evermore crucial. I approach teaching and mentoring with three goals in mind: (a) to foster excitement about the material by demonstrating how it speaks to the real world and progressive praxis, (b) to demand critical thinking and writing, particularly on the role of history and ideas in shaping the present, and (c) to create space for multiple ways of knowing and to show that we are better off as a result. Here is a listing of courses taught with sample syllabi.
SIS 620: Urban Political Ecology
SISU 349: Global Cities, Justice, and the Environment
SISU 250: Environmental Sustainability and Global Health
Here’s a recording of one of my lectures laying out what I call “EJ 1 and EJ 2” and “UPE 1 and UPE 2”, i.e. different lineages of environmental justice and urban political ecology scholarship, including more recent turns to “decolonial environmental justice”.
Here is a recording of guest lecture I gave in spring 2019 in Prof. Mike Schroeder’s “World Politics” introductory undergraduate course titled “Urban Politics in an Unequal World”
GEOG 496: Climate Change and Social Vulnerability (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)
Guest Lecturer, Department of Geography
ER 175: Water and Development (University of California, Berkeley)
Graduate Student Instructor, Energy and Resources Group
CP 290: Global Metropolitan Studies: Theories of the North and South (University of California, Berkeley)
Graduate Student Organizer, Department of City and Regional Planning
ER 100: Energy and Society (University of California, Berkeley)
Graduate Student Instructor, Energy and Resources Group